Developing narrative content for navigable 3D spaces presents new technical and conceptual challenges. First, a real-time, deterministic file format needs to be created so you can record, play, pause, and rewind entire 3D worlds like you would a movie. Second, you need to support the author in a multi-narrative workflow. Screenwriting everything that is going on simultaneously in a 3D space is hard to do without some new writing tools.
A custom file format and authoring tool were required for creating deterministic “rewindable worlds”.
Every moving object in the world has a path.
Input is parsed into a set of commands shaping a real-time, AI driven simulation.
All the action is written to a compact, portable binary file format.
Playback engines read the format and render the experience on any Unity® supported platform. Deterministic content allows for performance gains leveraging multi-threading of ComputeShaders.
The audience experiences it as movie you can walk around in. To a writer, the medium is an expansive opportunity to screenwrite entire worlds containing multiple intertwined narratives.
Learn about our demo Archipelago, and try it on Oculus.
"This is amazing! I want you guys to make more!"
“Truly a unique idea in a sea of many familiar ones.”
VR Experience Archipelago Coins The Term ‘Walkie’
Checkout IDEA B, our music demo.